rabbi shmuel rodal z"l
shmuel ben yosef hakohen
Rabbi Shmuel Rodal, father of our dear Rabbi Leibele, passed away on Hoshana Raba, 21 Tishrei 5783. He was 77. Rabbi Rodal served as a Chabad Shliach in Italy for over 50 years, leaving a deep impact on countless Jews.
Rabbi Rodal was born in Montreal, Canada to his parents Rabbi Yosef and Feiga Rodal, who were sent by the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe to the city.
As a student in the mid-1960s, he had questions in his faith in Hashem. In this interview with JEM, he recalls how they got resolved with the help of the Rebbe.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Devorah Rodal (née Munitz) – Milan, Italy – and their children:
Brocha Leah Sasonkin – Metula, Israel
Levi Rodal – Crown Heights, NY
Chanale Lavine – Johannesburg, South Africa
Dini Polichenco – San Diego, California
Zali Rodal – London, England
Zeldi Richter – Howard Beach, NY
Berele Rodal – Johannesburg, South Africa
Leibele Rodal – Montreal, Canada
Sorele Brownstein – Davis, California
Yisroel Meir Rodal – Milan, Italy
Leizer Rodal – Phoenix, Arizona
Sonia Hershkowitz – Los Cabos, Mexico
Mushki Silverstein – Pomona, NY
Yehudis Hyman – Kingston, Pennsylvania
Yossi Rodal – Carlsbad, California
Frumi Sasonkin – Crown Heights, NY
He is also survived by his siblings:
Berel Rodal – Ottawa, Canada
Chana Raizel Kagan – Miami, Florida
He was predeceased by his daughter Raizy Rodal OBM, and his brother Menachem Rodal OBM.
Rabbi Rodal has been laid to rest in the holy land of Israel.